Thursday, 8 September 2011

Thursday 8th September Eungella Dam

Views to the left of Eungella Dam.

Boat Ramp for public use at Eungella Dam

Looking to right of boat ramp.

Free range Cow & Calf

Bull & calves roaming free by the side of road on our return journey from the dam.

Thursday 8th September Broken River

Bush Turkey

Sunbaking on a fallen tree!

Fighting for a comfortable spot on the root of an upended tree.

Thursday 8th September

View looking back down the valley towards Finch Hatten.

Also looking back down the valley from Eungella.

Looking back down towards the road we travelled on from Pease's Lookout.

Views from Pease's Lookout.

Pioneer Valley

Friday 2nd September

Our trip to the Mackay Botanical Gardens. Beautiful flora to be seen!

Clean waterways with lots of birdlife.
Cacti gardens with beautiful colours!

        Lots of different coloured bottlebrushes to enjoy!

            More unique flowers!

Some beautiful orchids that seem to grow easily in local gardens!