Friday, 26 August 2011

8th August to 26th

Looking right along the beach at Haliday Bay, north of Mackay.

Looking left along beach at Haliday Bay.

Ball Bay, beautiful little beach north of Mackay.

Along the foreshore at Ball Bay, nice grass area, great for picnics and camping!

Cape Hillsborough, another beautiful sheltered
bay with a nearby caravan park, where we hope to spend a couple of days on our journey south.

The view looking back towards the coast, taken on the return journey back to Leap on the Bruce Highway about 15km north of Mackay.

Rainbow Lorikeets enjoying a feed in palm just outside our van. Very noisy!

A tree growing in our camp with beautiful flowers, seem to common around this area.

More flora!

Robyn and Fiona looking at oysters along side boat ramp at Seaforth.

Looking up river from the pontoon also at Seaforth.

The view from the boat ramp looking out across the bay!

Looking right from the pontoon. A beautiful calm day!

Beach at Seaforth, on the coastline.

Fiona collecting coconuts on the beach at Seaforth with the coastline in the background.

One of the many coconut trees found along the beach.
A safe swimming area at Seaforth.

Saturday, 6 August 2011

29th July to 7th August

The harvester about to demolish the two acres of cane standing between the camp and the siting (where the trucks bring all the loaded bins back for the train to collect and transport to the Mill).

Nearly done! You can see empty bins on the train line waiting to be taken away by the trucks and brought back full.

Last lap, only took about an hour and 1/2. Was quite wet down the bottom of field, took some manoeuvring so the harvester didn't get bogged.

All fuelled up, parked ready for early start in the morning. 6a.m. will come soon enough! The truck 2nd from right (without bins) is Bruce's wheels for the duration.

A red-bellied black snake that shouldn't have crossed the road in front of Bruce. Thought we might try a little road kill for tea tonight! Never had snake before! Ha! Ha!
This photo was just show how long the snake was!